2023 Island peak | 10 things you should know
Trekking peak | Strenuous plus
Surrounded by three glaciers, e.g. Lhotse, Lhotse Shar, Imja glacier
Imja Tsho = Imja Lake
#Mountaineering #Climbing
- Climbing guides / company selection is critical (highly recommend: SKA adventure )
好的登山響導,等於完成一半的成功準備 - Chhukung, the advance site for Island peak & Lobuche east
Chhukung是裝備/補給/高度適應/前進/撤退的基地 - Last village for lodge, equipment rent & altitude acclimatization (e.g. Chhukung Ri, Chhukung Tse)
- even base camp (e.g. 3-4 hrs to Island peak BC) arrangement ( e.g. Sunrise Eco resort )
- Crampon point @5880m: double boots & gears
海拔5880公尺處,換裝冰爪雙重靴和攀登裝備 - Sun burn at the ice/snow: Seirus mask
#Biodiversity #Khumbu
- Citizen science: 78 species in iNAT
公民科學家線上紀錄野生動植物 - Forest line: 4000m | Ice line: 5500m
- Universal plugs in every lodge = Tourist friendly
民宿多提供萬用插座 - Water filter to save the plastic waste a lot
建議可自備隨身濾水器 - NPR 100-250 per mineral water
- BeFree: could be found in Namche Bazaar
- Power
山區供電穩定改善優於市區輪流限電 - Stability & availability of power in the lodge improved
- Half of lodge: Free of charge or included
- 20000 Amp power bank
- Solar panel is an option
- Meat
山區肉食新鮮考驗運送保存 - Cold chain & refrigerator are crucial
- Namche Bazaar: last village to have meat (e.g. Yak steak, chicken)
- Shoes: trekking shoes or trail run shoes (better with waterproof )
** Remarks: all numbers & timeline are highly related to the altitude , physical condition or service level you are/have
Furthermore, communicate in person...
- Namaste | Hello
- Dhanyabād | Thank you
達納ㄚ巴 - Masala tea | Nepali Milk tea
- Lassi | Milk shake
- Thakali |
- Roti | pancake
- Tashi Deleg | Hello
塔西達雷 - Dongbu | Hello
堂不 - Thuche | Thanks
突氣 - Nima | Sun
- Tara | stars
- Budile | butterfly
- Jobka | porter yak
Ama Dablam
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