Rock Climbing x 飛岩 初級岩訓

Stay gold 初心

Successful failure

“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Freedom of the hills

Indulge myself with
Balance between rocks, gravity & a serene mind
Flow of energized focus, complete immersion & enjoyment in the process

The reason behinds
Immediate feedback
Feeling the potential to succeed
Feeling so engrossed in the experience

Quick note below

Efficient & Effective communication 

Climbing | Climb on

Take (my weight) | Take | Got you
Up rope 收繩
Slack 給繩
Watch me | Falling | Tension
Rock | Ice

Lower me | Lowering
Off Belay | Belay off

Top-Rope Belay | Lead Belay

quickdraws | 快扣
Send 完攀
onsight 即席
flash 快閃
redpoint | pinkpoint

Dynamic belay
前進一步順勢給繩 | 向後一步快速調整緊度
Checking kont/clip while leader is preparing
Keep an eye on the ball/leader
Command center

Lead climbing

NO Back clip
主繩朝外 | 降低快扣扭轉後主繩脫出
NO Z-clip
確保繩結開始拉繩 | 避免兩快扣間無效確保
No cross slack | 1st-3rd bolt
避免墜落腳卡繩頭下腳上 | 頭部撞擊岩壁

Footwork | Movement

Smear 貼踩 | 腳跟下壓 |  Slab 斜板
Toe In 腳尖踩
Inside Edge 內側踩
Outside Edge 外側踩
Focus on feet and body, not hands
Weight footholds correctly

Slab 斜板
Palming | Smear 貼踩

Dihedral 內角
Palming | Stemming 外撐

Chimney 煙囪
Stemming 外撐

右腳左手 | 左腳右手

Dynamic movement 動態
髖部重心移轉 | 瞬間腳點施力
左下>右上 | 右下 > 左上





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