Rock Climbing x 飛岩 初級岩訓
Stay gold 初心
Criss Jami, Killosophy
Balance between rocks, gravity & a serene mind
Flow of energized focus, complete immersion & enjoyment in the process
The reason behinds
Immediate feedback
Feeling the potential to succeed
Feeling so engrossed in the experience
Quick note below
Successful failure
“The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal.”Criss Jami, Killosophy
Freedom of the hills
Indulge myself withBalance between rocks, gravity & a serene mind
Flow of energized focus, complete immersion & enjoyment in the process
The reason behinds
Immediate feedback
Feeling the potential to succeed
Feeling so engrossed in the experience
Quick note below
Efficient & Effective communication
Climbing | Climb on
Take (my weight) | Take | Got you
Up rope 收繩
Slack 給繩
Up rope 收繩
Slack 給繩
Watch me | Falling | Tension
Rock | Ice
Lower me | Lowering
Off Belay | Belay off
Top-Rope Belay | Lead Belay
quickdraws | 快扣
Send 完攀
onsight 即席
flash 快閃
redpoint | pinkpoint
Dynamic belay
前進一步順勢給繩 | 向後一步快速調整緊度
Checking kont/clip while leader is preparing
Keep an eye on the ball/leader
Command center
主繩朝外 | 降低快扣扭轉後主繩脫出
NO Z-clip
確保繩結開始拉繩 | 避免兩快扣間無效確保
No cross slack | 1st-3rd bolt
避免墜落腳卡繩頭下腳上 | 頭部撞擊岩壁
右腳左手 | 左腳右手
Dynamic movement 動態
髖部重心移轉 | 瞬間腳點施力
左下>右上 | 右下 > 左上
Send 完攀
onsight 即席
flash 快閃
redpoint | pinkpoint
Dynamic belay
前進一步順勢給繩 | 向後一步快速調整緊度
Checking kont/clip while leader is preparing
Keep an eye on the ball/leader
Command center
Lead climbing
NO Back clip主繩朝外 | 降低快扣扭轉後主繩脫出
NO Z-clip
確保繩結開始拉繩 | 避免兩快扣間無效確保
No cross slack | 1st-3rd bolt
避免墜落腳卡繩頭下腳上 | 頭部撞擊岩壁
Footwork | Movement
Smear 貼踩 | 腳跟下壓 | Slab 斜板
Toe In 腳尖踩
Inside Edge 內側踩
Outside Edge 外側踩
Focus on feet and body, not hands
Weight footholds correctly
Slab 斜板
Palming | Smear 貼踩
Dihedral 內角
Palming | Stemming 外撐
Chimney 煙囪
Stemming 外撐
右腳左手 | 左腳右手
Dynamic movement 動態
髖部重心移轉 | 瞬間腳點施力
左下>右上 | 右下 > 左上
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