Five frames of performance and health

This approach helps organizations to drive multiple S-curves of change: an intensive period of activity and radical improvement, followed by a period of consolidation and incremental improvement, eventually followed by another ramp-up in intensity, and so on.

five frames of performance and health

  • Aspire. Where do we want to go?
  • Assess. How ready are we to go there?
  • Architect. What must we do to get there?
  • Act. How do we manage the journey?
  • Advance. How do we continue to improve?

Performance is what an enterprise does to deliver improved financial and operational results for its stakeholders.

  • net operating profit, returns on capital employed, total shareholder returns, net operating costs, and stock turn

Health describes how effectively people work together to pursue a common goal

  • organization’s levels of internal alignment, quality of execution, and capacity to renew itself to sustain high performance in an ever-changing external environment.

Source: A better way to lead large-scale change | July 2019 | Book Excerpt


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