Psychology of Pricing

Pricing = Positioning
  • Price premumium:
    • Value: Feature, Advantage, Benefit
    • Benefit matrix > critical value dimension
    • Cost: BOM
    • Motivational crowding 誘因排擠
  • Competitive price
    • margin share
    • ex: private brand
    • Price differentiation / discrimination
B2C: Market survey
  • the problem with market research is that people don't think how they feel, they don't say what they think and they don't do what they say. David Mackenzie Ogilvy
  • Psychological distance 心理距: 延遲付款+立即效益
B2B: Availbilty bias
  • Reframing the decision 重塑框架: 調整產品呈現的方式
  • Sales ot return: 省去購買決定
  • 調漲利潤佳的品項,宣傳沒調漲的品項
Unknown expected utility 未知期望效用
  • Anchoring 錨定 (1:2:4, 3:5:15)
Asymmetric dominance approach 非對稱優勢法
  • price-level decoys 價格誘餌 (3:4:6)
  • dimishing marginal utility 邊際效益遞減法則
  • goldilocks effect 金髮女孩效應
Competitive equilibium 競爭性均衡
  • Bundling 搭售: comparison complexity
  • mini version
  • promotion
  • Sales or return
  • Price differentiation / discrimination
  • Peer effect 同儕效應: 當遇到某些情況,沒有
  • Reciprocity 互惠
  • Subjective quality 主觀品質效應
  • Endowment effect 稟賦效應
  • Loss aversion 損失規避
  • Status quo bias 維持現狀偏誤
Free = 幫客戶省去一個購買的決定
  • reward point 集點
  • buy one get one free 買X送X
  • freebie / giveaway 贈品
  • upgrade 免費升等
  • personal info for giveaway 個資換贈品
  • redeem 兌換卷
  • gift with purchase 滿額送
  • free shipping with purchase 滿額免運費
  • 來店禮
  • 結帳贈送試用品
  • complimentary 免費贈品


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